Mushaboom Studios

Design Associate for web design, photography, and social media

Hard work, balance, and freedom result in creativity.

In a part-time internship for 5 months, I got to learn with the founders of Mushaboom Studios. I learned the importance of authentic branding, vision, and implementation during my time with them. My biggest project was a self-run portfolio re-design to help them get more clients.

Project Pitch

I generated a pitch using a realistic timeline for the internship period. As if I was their client, I set up a meeting to review and negotiate the deadline with them. Additionally, I introduced them to my notes on how I came towards each idea.

Layout Work

The idea was to create a general template for them to be able to add new projects very easily. I found this challenging because, as a small business, there were different requirements and products made for each project. There were often logo designs, but also website development, photography, and social media.

I worked in Illustrator to do a specific re-design for a project that they hadn’t added to their portfolio. Then, I was able to play with designs in Squarespace in order to present it to them.


After approving designs, they shared client folders with me so that I could create new pages and templates in Squarespace. I was proud of being able to add five projects to their website because we were able to send specific projects to new clients.